Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Day 18- Plans/dreams/goals you have

Oh boy! This might be a long post. I have millions of dreams and plans...of course not all of them will happen...but that is why they are dreams, right?

Ok, here we go!


The goal on top of my list is to LOSE WEIGHT! Ha! No seriously. I really want to lose the weight I gained over the past year. I really feel like this will make my attitude a bit more positive. I would also like to be able to run a 5k...um I know that seems super easy but I want to be able to do it without wanting to die.

Next on my list would be to refinish my antique chairs. I have totally been slacking! I need these extra 4 chairs so I can have a dinner party!

 Chandeliers brought to you by French Bedroom Company  and Layla Grayce.
I have this dream of putting chandeliers in every room. Unfortunately, I really like my ceiling fans. I get so warm and I rely on them to cool me off....otherwise I would have a really high AC bill. I guess I will just have to settle for having one over the dining room table and in the nursery. (NURSERY IS FAR IN THE FUTURE)


I have done a lot of traveling in my life, BUT I haven't done it with Jeff! I really want to travel with him and show him how amazing these other countries are. I also really just want to go back and there are so many places I haven't been yet. SO, my goal is to go back to London, travel through Italy (I only saw Rome the first time), and of course, I need to see Paris.

Man, I could probably go on for days, but these are the current big ones.

1 comment:

  1. I'm with you on the weight thing. Like seriously, something needs to be done with me. I'm not liking where I'm going.
    And.....I MUST go to Europe. MUST.
