Monday, January 24, 2011

Day 17- Someone you would want to switch lives with for one day and why

 I have thought long and hard about this. I originally considered making this post very deep and thought provoking, but then I decided that I was WAY too lazy to put that much effort into it. 

So, instead I am informing you all that I would want to be Sherlock Holmes for a day. I know that would mean me being a man...however, HE IS SO COOL! 

I would LOVE to solve mysteries and be that intelligent and creative and sneaky. I mean, all of Scotland Yard relies on him...he solves the crimes that no one else can! I could totally do that! Or at least I would totally love to try...for a day.


  1. Oh man......Robert Downey Jr. was pretty sexy as him.......hmmmm.....

  2. LOL, I guess I also have a secret desire to see how easy it is to be a being able to pee standing up...

  3. I know. They have it so easy when it comes to that. Jerks.
