Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Day 07- A picture of someone/something that has the biggest impact on you

I would have to say that my dad has had a MASSIVE impact on me. He gave me my travel bug. He gave me the desire to be a great cook...starting with Norwegian cuisine. He inspired my Christmas craziness. He definitely inspired my green thumb. He ALWAYS pushed me to be great and supported my career choices, even when it involved fashion design. He has always wanted me to be the best me I can be. 
Thanks dad!
I am definitely impacted by you and who you are. 



  1. I love the picture of your dad with his Beatles haircut. Lol

  2. Me too! He was SO STYLISH! You should see some of the pics we have of him in his bell bottoms. ;-)

  3. I want to see! Maybe get some copies and frame them. Muahahahahaa!!!!
    (would it be offensive if I put them next to all of my vintage pictures???) ;-)
