Friday, February 11, 2011

Friday Confessional

Oh Friday how I, sometimes, love you. I love you because I get to do Friday confessional but I don't love you because I pretty much always work Friday night. Working Friday night means I lose my Friday and most of my Saturday. LAME-O! Someday I will have enough seniority to never work a weekend again. That would be awesome! Any way, lets get back to the task at hand.

I Confess:

  • Jeff and I pretty much only use our dining table when we have guests.
  • That's right, we basically eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner in the love sac.
  • Our table has turned into a catch-all for mail, crafts, notes, loose change, purse/wallets, and basically anything that really should be up in the office.
  • I have recently re-discovered my like of smutty vampire/romance books. Don't get me wrong, I also love the classics (i.e. Jane Eyre, Persuasions, Sherlock Holmes, Charles Dickens, etc) BUT every once in a while you need brainless reading.
  • The past few days I have had this wicked sore throat...which I have ignored because it is caused by sinus issues. Any way, I considered calling in sick tonight and didn't. Bad choice.
  • I hate sore throats but I like eating crackers when I have one. I like how it kind of scratches your throat on the way down... Sorry if that freaks you out. It seems to make other food and beverages go down should try it.
and last
  • Most of the time when my husband starts talking about computers or work I totally zone out. He has caught me several times "pretending" to listen.... Woopsie.


  1. How many times has he caught you sleeping? ;)

  2. LOL he has never caught ME sleeping but I have caught HIM sleeping a million times at least.
