Monday, February 7, 2011

Day 27- Why are you doing this 30 day challenge

Over a month ago, I felt the need to blog but wasn't sure what to write about. My SIL had been doing this 30 day challenge and suggested that I also do the challenge. 

My super cute SIL Amber...

I decided this challenge could be a good way to start the year and get the juices flowing. I must say that I have not loved all of the topics, but is has given me blog ideas for the future. It has also given me a sense of accomplishment because it is one goal for this year that I have stuck with and almost completed. Yay!


  1. Awwwwww!!! I heart you!!!!!!! I love that you chose the Harry Potter picture!!!! (yes I'm coherent enough to type this moment.ha ha)

  2. LOL I am glad that the drugs aren't making you too slow... ;-)
