Friday, May 20, 2011

FrIdAy CoNfEsSiOnAl

This has been a horrifically long week. I blame it on the fact that I have worked extra this week.
I actually feel like all I have done this week is work and sleep...probably because that is really all I have done.
Needless to say, I now remember why I stopped picking up extra. It sucks! Unfortunately I really wanted to buy a little something something that was not in the budget so I sucked it up....and there you have it. 
That being said, I am SO HAPPY ITS FRIDAY!!!!!! YAY!!!

I confess: 
  • I am going to be a mother! 
  • That's right...its a girl!
  • We are going to name her Freyja after the Norse goddess of love, beauty and...war.
  • We are going to be new parents to a GERMAN SHEPHERD PUPPY!
  • YAY!!!!!
  • I am so nervous!
  • Jeff is like, "it gonna be fine". I'm like...."I've never trained a puppy before!"
  • I am also really excited. I have wanted a puppy for a very long time. 
  • I went around telling all my friends at work about my exciting news and I was a little disappointed at how negative everyone was. 
  • Everyone kept telling me how she is going to chew up my entire house... brick and mortar included and how I can just kiss all my new landscaping good bye....etc. Everyone of them told me, "you don't want a puppy" then gave me a disgusted face when I said she was a German Shepherd.
  • Um...YES I DO, rude faces!
  • Listen, I know how puppies are! But I also know that puppies can be trained! I am not under the delusion that I can prevent my puppy from digging or chewing BUT I can teach the puppy to chew on things that I approve of and dig where its appropriate.
  • Any way, I am tired of everyone telling me about their sisters friends cousin that has a German shepherd puppy that has jumped their 6 ft fence and chewed through the dryer vent.
  • Guess what everybody, I have a brother-in-law that has a German Shepherd puppy that HAS NOT jumped their fence, or chewed up their house, OR dug up their yard. 
  • Any way, there you have it. Our small little family of two is now going to be a little family of three and I didn't even have to go through labor. Woohoo!


  1. You guys are going to do great! They all can suck it. I know you will do a WONDERFUL job training AND we can get the puppy used to kids so by the time you guys are ready, your puppy will be ready. I'm excited for you guys and think it will be fine. I think some owners are just lazy and don't want to put the effort in, hence their dogs being little snots.
    I can't wait to meet the new family member!!!!!!!!

  2. I think your dog is cute! The same thing happens with kids, everyone has and opinion. But good luck!! You guys will do great!
