Sunday, May 22, 2011


On Friday May 20, 2011 Jeff and I drove 3hrs to Orangeville, UT to pick up this cute bundle of joy. She is a pure bred German Shepherd and her name is Freyja. (Named after the Norse Goddess). She was so good on the way home. She slept pretty much the whole way.

We have had her 2 days now and let me tell you what, it has been an adventure. I expected all these surprises from a puppy but I didn't think of how tired I was going to be waking up every 2hrs to take her outside. Poor Jeff has been such a trooper and getting up to take her out before I could even lift my head from the pillow. He is such a good sport. 
All I can say is this week is going to be interesting for everyone. I, stupidly, picked up an extra shift this week before we even decided on buying Freyja....needless to say, Jeff is going to have to be the one getting up with her every 2 hrs most nights and Freyja is going to be in the crate a lot during the day most days and I am going to be SUPER sleep deprived for work....Oh I also have to finish putting together a bridal shower for Saturday... Woopsie. I guess our timing wasn't the most ideal but we had been talking about getting a puppy for months and Jeff had his heart set on her so I suppose now was as good a time as any.

On Saturday we headed to the International Peace Gardens in SLC to the 17 Mai celebration. It is a big celebration for Norway's independence that goes on every year. Good Times. The whole family was there and we even took Freyja. Everyone loved her!

Derek and Amber having fun with the photo opp....I guess we know who wears the pants in this relationship. BAH! Amber, you probably shouldn't tell Derek I said that....;-)

Freyja was so hot in the sun that she would crawl under my Bunad (traditional Norwegian costume) and lay down between my legs. She is so sweet. 
 Well, we have all had an eventful few days. I am kind of looking forward to the regular routine. I think it will also be good for Freyja and helpful toward crate training her. We will see. 


  1. She is so cute! Good luck taking care of her this next week.

  2. She's a cute puppy! Two questions, how do you pronounce her name? Is the j like a y? And two, can I see the full outfit, the bunad?

  3. Thanks guys! So you do pronounce the j like a y. It is pronounced FRAY-Ya. As for the bunad, I meant to take a picture this year showing it but we ended up not getting one. However, I do have an older picture somewhere...I will look for it. ;-)
