Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Cast Your Votes

We (Jeff and I) are having a hard time deciding on our Halloween costumes for this year. 
We have come up with 3 options and would like your votes as to the best choice.


Snow White and the apple (Note: I already have a really cool Snow White costume)


Little Red Riding Hood and the Big Bad Wolf


Ronald Weezley and Hermione Granger (This was Jeff's suggestion)

~Thanks for your votes!~


  1. SNOW WHITE!!!!!! I'm all about seeing Jeff dress up as a Fruit of the Loom apple!!!! Err....the Snow White apple. This is my decision and I'm sticking to it! You need to help me convince my hubby about the SNL Cheerleaders! We could even come up with our own cheer!!!!

  2. You guys would be cute as Ron and Hermione, but I'm all for seeing Jeff in an apple costume (with tights!)

  3. Why does everyone want to see me in an apple costume? Or are you all more interested in seeing me in red tights?
