Monday, September 10, 2012

I have been bugging Jeff for over a year about how I "NEED" a sewing machine. 
It usually comes up after I have been on Pinterest. 
I can't help it! I just always seem to see so many wonderful projects that I NEED to do. 
Well, when my SIL found out she was having a boy and decided that the theme of her nursery would be pirates we started searching for cute crib bedding. Unfortunately, the only pirate stuff we found was either ugly or custom....And custom=expensive. 
So, I started researching how hard it would be to make our own. :-)
I found some adorable fabric from the Blake Riley collection and convinced Amber that we could make some of it the bumper. 

I went ahead and bought the fabric deciding that I could use my moms old sewing machine. Unfortunately when we pulled it out it was all jammed up. We took it in to the repair shop to see if we could fix it and in the end it was a lost cause. 

I HAD to get a sewing machine...for reals!!

My MIL and SIL Trisha suggested I go to Floyd and Lizzies and look at their Pfaff sewing machines. They were so helpful! Daniel (Floyd and Lizzies sales guy...actually he said is sister was the Lizzie in the name...) sat with me and showed me everything I wanted to see then went ahead and gave me a KILLER deal on this beaut. 
I haven't done much sewing in my life...ok so I did one quilt for YW way back when and my mom did most of it. But I can honestly say that I LOVE sewing now and this machine is so fun. 

(There will be some pictures of things made for baby Miles that will be given to you at a later the shower...Proceed at your own risk!!!)

 I went ahead and made the crib bumper for Amber using this tutorial. It was very easy to follow, even by a novice like me, and it turned out great. She knows I was making this but hasn't seen it yet. Here is a sneak peak of how it turned out.

Then, once I finished that, I couldn't stop! 
I was hooked. 
I ended up following this minky blanket tutorial and made 2 blankets then followed this tutorial and made a stack of burp cloths with all the left over fabric. 

I can safely say I broke in my new machine. :-)

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