Tuesday, June 29, 2010

I JUST CAN'T WAIT!!!! Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Trailer Official HD


Whoohoo! I am soooooo excited!!! Jeff is too....he just doesn't know it yet. ;-) Every year some good friends and I make t-shirts and go to the midnight showing of the new Harry Potter. YES!!! Of course, as each one has  gotten married we have introduced our spouses to the fun. At first, they were hesitant to make and wear t-shirts, but now that there is more men in the group and we have given them permission to make a joke of the t-shirts, they really enjoy themselves. It doesn't hurt that their participation pleases us, and we all know that a happy wife is a happy home. ;-) YAY FOR HARRY POTTER!!!!


  1. Personally I like Luke's theme for the deathly hallows...So wish I thought of it...

  2. We MUST start thinking of our t-shirt ideas.... I was thinking I might do one sort of like last time. It would say MUDBLOOD on the front and then, AND PROUD OF IT, on the back...what do you think?

  3. I like it...Now to think of mine...
