Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Chandelier Re-do

I have been wanting a chandelier for a long time. One to hang over my dining table. The previous owners had had a lighting fixture hanging there but took it with them. So we have had this empty space on our ceiling for 1 1/2 years. 
The problem with chandeliers is they are pretty pricey. It hasn't been in our budget. 
Well, the other day my mom offered her old brass chandelier. She told me I had free rein to do with it as I pleased. Apparently she saw a show on TV where they took an old chandelier and spiffed it up. 
Well, I thought that that was something I could easily do. 

Here is the chandelier before:
It was obviously dated and needed new candle covers. It also was short one glass hurricane thanks to me dropping it... woopsie. Good thing I had other plans for this chandelier. 

I went ahead and spray painted it a hammered black. I then went online and bought some bling. 
Naturally I wanted a "FaNcY" chandelier.
I found, through searching the web, an affordable site, cristalier, that sold crystal/glass prisms and attachments for chandeliers.

Here is my after: 
So, there you have it. An old chandelier, in a new style. What do you think?