Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Things I am LOVING right now.

I was reading this girl's blog tonight, ( I say 'this girl' because we aren't exactly friends.... I use to baby-sit with her back in elementary school....I am sort of blog stalking her....)  and she had posted this:

"If winter comes, can spring be far behind?"
-Percy Bysshe Shelley

I love, love, LOVE this! It was just what I needed! Here are some more things I am LOVING right now: 

 Jeff and I have been watching this in our spare time. I am HOOKED!

Jeff and I are planning this for our next big trip. I have never been to Florida before and the Wizarding World of Harry Potter is the PERFECT excuse to go.

I have discovered that if I am feeling down or I am in a snarky mood, going outside and pampering my flower bed helps bring me peace.

Seriously! What is not to love?
There are so, so, so many more things I love right now. Like, my bed after a night shift, and hugs, and ice cream! 
Oh, and blog stalking.... =)
Its always good to take a second and remember all of the things that make you happy.


  1. ha ha, i feel honored to be "this girl"!!! And we did more than babysit together. remember all those hours spent playing in your basement??? and i can't remember but didn't you help with the "kids camps" my sister and i put on every summer? I think i vaguely remember you being there the summer i broke my arm!? anyway it is lovely to re-connect and i would gladly have you as a blog stalker. and now i am going to stalk your blog too. it makes me happy you appreciate that quote--it is one of my favorites--i think it is just lovely and refreshing. I hope your spring comes quickly! =)

  2. I totally remember you breaking your arm! That was intense. I'm feeling a smidge embarrassed you discovered my stalking... I just couldn't help it! I wanted so badly to see your fun Carlsbad trip. ;-) BTW Your Blog is SO FETCHING CUTE!
